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Maryland State Department of Assessment and Taxation – Jaimonese Clark

On May 20, 2020, Jaimonese Clark was recognized for her outstanding customer service and received the Governor’s Customer Service Hero Award. At the State Department of Assessment and Taxation’s Customer Service Contact Center, Manager Jaimonese and her team have been responsible for interacting with businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the adjustment to mandatory teleworking for the first time and a new phone system in place, Jaimonese and her team have been answering calls non-stop to meet the needs of businesses across the state that are seeking COVID-19 relief. Jaimonese supports her team with positivity and constantly reinforces good customer service.

Jaimonese has adopted many innovative process improvements during the high increased volume of calls. Due to the high volume, there are cases where some customers cannot get in contact with SDAT and continue to call multiple times. At the end of every day, her team runs reports to call those customers back to ensure that their needs are being met. She continues to lead by example and go above and beyond to ensure a great customer experience.

